
Why Can't I Access the NextGen Office Login Page?

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Application Version

There are several reasons why you cannot access the NextGen Office login page – – and it depends on your network setup. For assistance with these issues, consult your practice's network administrator or IT professional.

Possible Reasons Why You Cannot Access the Login Page

  • You have a dynamic IP address and your Internet service provider (ISP) rotates them.
  • Your firewall rotates Network Address Translation (NAT) IPs. 
Note: You must NOT implement any firewall rules to limit access.
  • You have Wide Area Network (WAN) load balancing and traffic goes through different ISPs
  • You use Citrix with load balancer to access NextGen Office.
  • You have some proxy servers for outbound traffic.
  • Your IP address might be getting blocked by our firewall. To determine if this is true, you must provide your IP address to us. To resolve this issue, you must find the root cause and implement some persistence for outbound traffic or change it to use only one IP address for outbound traffic.

Troubleshooting Tips

You changed your password recently.Clear the browser's cache and cookies to eliminate old saved passwords.
You are accessing the login page from a browser bookmark.Access without the bookmark. Go to
You want to isolate if it is an ISP issue.Log in from a mobile device that is not connected to WiFi.
You want to rule out if the issue is related to local antivirus software or a web content filter.Log in from other computers in the same office.


See Also: 
IP Address Restrictions
NextGen Office System Requirements and Recommendations
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Keywords"NextGen Office" NGO "can't access" login "log in" "home page" "unable to access" "can't log in" "login page"
Legacy Article Number000041471
TitleWhy Can't I Access the NextGen Office Login Page?
URL NameWhy-Can-t-I-Access-the-NextGen-Office-Login-Page

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